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Adult Protective Services (APS)- Santa Barbara

County agency responsible for investigating elder abuse reports including self negelect.

Services: Elder Abuse Prevention, Adult Protective Services, Elder Abuse Reporting

Adult Protective Services (APS)- SLO

County agency responsible for investigating elder abuse reports including self negelect.

Services: Elder Abuse Prevention, Adult Protective Services, Elder Abuse Reporting

805 - 781-1790

CA Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR)

Advocacy group for seniors and nursing home issues.

Services: Federal Government Complaints/Ombudsman Offices, Adult Residential Facility Complaints, Nursing Facility Complaints, General Legal Aid, Information and Referral, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral

800 - 474-1116

CA Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA)

Provides legal representation for low income individulas in civil matters (housing/ eviction, education and labor) and people who have been terminated from welfare, unemploymet and social security benefits.

Services: Landlord/Tenant Assistance, General Legal Aid

Conflict Solution Center`

Conflict Solutions Center-Community Mediation has been offering conflict resolution education and mediation services in Santa Barbara County since 1989.

Services: Alternative Dispute Resolution

Consumer Mediation Program- SB County (SBDA)`

A volunteer program provided by the District Attorney which mediates disputes between businesses and consumers and businesses and businesses.

Services: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Consumer Complaints

111 Santa Barbara St

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Creative Mediation`

Mediators are neutral third parties who will meet with you to help you discuss issues and come to agreements.

Services: Alternative Dispute Resolution

805 - 549-0442

D.A. Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Unit- SB

The District Attorney created Santa Barbara County's Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Unit consisting of an attorney, investigator and advocate; operational in both North and South Counties.

Services: Elder Abuse Prevention

805 - 568-2300

Family Law Facilitator

Family Law Facilitator (FLF) can help you understand your options and to better represent yourself in family law matters.

Services: General Legal Aid

Identity Theft Hotline

Identity (ID) theft happens when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud.

Services: Crime Victim Support, Crime Witness Support, Information and Referral, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral

Viewing 1-10 of 29 results (listed by best match)
