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Adult Literacy Program (Santa Barbara County)

Adult Literacy Programs provide trained volunteer tutors who will teach adults to read, write, and speak English on a one-to-one basis.

Services: Educational Programs

40 E Anapamu St

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

805 - 564-5619

Allan Hancock College - Community Education (AHC)

Provides a wide range of academic and non-academic courses.

Services: Educational Programs, Leisure Activities, Recreational Activities/Sports, Driving Safety Education

Community Education, Bldg S

Santa Maria, CA 93454

805 - 347-7553

Cal Poly State University

Osher Life Long Learning Institue offeres courses for seniors including travel learning, arts, politics, science.

Services: Educational Programs

805 - 756-2053

Central Coast Literary Council

Provides assiatance to adult want to learn to read.

Services: Educational Programs

Santa Maria Public Library

421 S. McClelland St.

805 - 925-0951

Central Coast Parkinson Association

The Central Coast Parkinson Association is a 501(c) (3) non-profit based in San Luis Obispo, CA and serving people with Parkinson's Disease, their care partners, and local Parkinson’s focused health professionals on the Central Coast covering San Luis Obispo County and northern Santa Barbara County.

Services: Support Groups, Educational Programs

PO Box 3812

805 - 242-3042

Continuing Education Div OMEGA`

Offers classes designed to promote and help maintain the mental, emotional and social well being of older adults, to foster awareness & appreciation for aging as a lifelong developmental process.

Services: Educational Programs

805 - 964-6853

Cooperative Extensions/Farm & Home Advisor-SLO`

Informal Ediucation through the delivery of information in areas of agriculture, natural resources, home economics, marine science and youth development.

Services: Educational Programs

805 - 781-5940

Cooperative Extensions/Farm & Home Advisor-SM`

Informal Ediucation through the delivery of information in areas of agriculture, natural resources, home economics, marine science and youth development.

Services: Educational Programs

805 - 924-6240

Cuesta College`

Community Programs.

Services: Educational Programs

805 - 546-3132

Generations On Line

Generations On Line provides free, simple step-by-step instructions on every screen.

Services: Educational Programs

3637 Chestnut St

Out Of State, PA 99999

215 - 222-6400

Viewing 1-10 of 17 results (listed by best match)
