Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County (LAF)


Phone Numbers

Santa Barbara

(805) 963-6754


(805) 736-6582

Santa Maria

(805) 922-9909


The Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County (LAF) mission is to provide high-quality civil legal services to low-income and other vulnerable residents in order to ensure equal access to justice. (LAF) is a non-profit civil law firm. We change lives through direct representation, legal advice and information, and community education. Our vision is a community where low-income people and other vulnerable residents are empowered to thrive and where all residents have meaningful access to the civil justice system. Since 1959, Legal Aid has provided legal services to those most in need in Santa Barbara County. Our services include the provision of legal information and advice, assistance with the preparation of legal documents, and representation in court proceedings.

Address Listings


201 S Miller St., STE 210
Santa Maria, 93454


102 E. Ocean Ave
Lompoc, 93436


301 E Canon Perdido St.
Santa Barbara, 93101

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