Financial Assistance

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AARP Tax Volunteers (Yearround)

Can provide free assistance to seniors through out the year on tax issues including back taxes, extensions and missed filings.

Services: Tax Preparation Assistance

Alexander House

Offers financial assistance for housing for fixed income seniors.

Services: Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing

P.O. Box 23642

Santa Barbara, CA 93121

805 - 966-3665

Alliance for Pharmaceutical Access (APA)

Helps patients apply to the drug manufacturer's patient assistance programs for free or low cost medication.

Services: Health Care, Service Cost Payment Assistance, Information and Referral, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral

505 E. Plaza Drive

California Lifeline Assistance Program

California LifeLine is a state program that provides basic home phone service at a discount to eligible households.

Services: Utility Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

Cambria's Anonymous Neighbors (CAN)

Loans of hospital equipment such as walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, shower stools and bathroom equipment for convalescing clients in Cambria and San Simeon.

Services: Medical Equipment/Supplies, Errand Running/Shopping Assistance, Yard Work, Brown Bag Food Programs, Volunteer Opportunities, Friendly Visiting, General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs

805 - 927-5673

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities agencies serve people of all faiths.

Services: Paratransit Programs, Emergency Shelter, Credit Counseling, Brown Bag Food Programs, Basic Needs, Case/Care Management, Immigration Services Complaints, Information and Referral, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral, Emergency Food

609 E Haley St

Santa Barbara, CA 93103

City of Santa Barbara`Finance Dept.

Finance Department offers senior discounts on Cox Cable.

Services: Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices, Information and Referral, Comprehensive Information and Referral, Specialized Information and Referral, Utility Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

805 - 564-5346

Communify- Energy Services

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) available countywide.

Services: General Minor Home Repair Programs, Weatherization Programs, Appliance Repair, Utility Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

5638 Hollister Ave Rm 320

Goleta, CA 93117

Community Action Partnership (CAPSLO)`

Senior Home Repair Program Provides minor home repair for seniors.

Services: General Minor Home Repair Programs, Friendly Telephoning, Weatherization Programs, Appliance Repair, Adult Day Programs, Adult Day Program Centers, Utility Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

800 - 495-0501

Community Action Partnership- HEAP (CAPSLO)

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) CAP operates HEAP which provides lower-income households with a once-a-year payment towards their utility bills (gas, electric or propane).

Services: Utility Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

3986 Short St, STE 110

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

805 - 541-4122

Viewing 1-10 of 37 results (listed by best match)
